For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

Dia unveil new campaign on gender equality for HeForShe

Gender equality is not only a women’s issue, it is a human issue.  UN Women’s HeForShe solidarity movement brings together one half of humanity in support of the other half of humanity for the benefit of all.

The HeForShe logo mark represents this solidarity movement by joining together aspects of both the female and male symbols.  This union symbolises women and men working together to make gender equality a reality.  This mark does not favor the male or female symbol, but blends them together creating a new symbol for humanity and gender equality.

Overall, the identity communicates with shared masculine and feminine sensibilities.  The typography is bold, but thoughtful while the colours are powerful, warm and energetic.

GoodFromYou DIA

the dancing traffic light

super duper super-looper