For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

The Rajput Ride

The Rajput Ride

A brilliant new skate film by Patrik Wallner, on the streets of India. Touted almost more a skate-travel film, the short features riders such as Michael Mackrodt and Vladik Scholz cruising the streets of New Delhi, Jaipur and Jodhpur with Dan Zvereff. The film is beautifully shot and captures the locations, culture and local people in a manner that had us transfixed. We especially enjoyed the dance moves from one happy chap at 2m 20!

Listening to Dan Zvereff discuss the the process and passion behind the art is fascinating, as well as the 'bus portrait' series that explores recurring elements of travel - capturing the essence of the people's day. If you haven't seen it then check out Wallner’s previous adventures through Oman, Yemen, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon.

GoodFromYou Patrik Wallner & Dan Zvereff

Patrik Wallner  |  Dan Zvereff


Redefining beauty