For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

Alphabet of Illiteracy

Alphabet of Illiteracy

Project Literacy is a great new global campaign by Pearson, the worlds largest learning company, who have teamed up with FCB Inferno to 'unlock the potential of people, communities, society and economies around the world'. The idea is based around teaching the world new associations with the alphabet - the core of language - highlighting how difficult life can be if you cannot read and write and in doing so solve some of the worlds biggest humanitarian problems. From mothers reading correct dosage on their child's medicine bottles to the increased likelihood of committing offences or even suicide, the project addresses issues faced across the developed and developing world. The creative comes to life with the help of Spitting Image sculptor Wilfred Wood who is crafting the models to articulate each letter. A great project doing some good in the world. Great stuff.

GoodFromYou Project Literacy & FCB Inferno

Project Literacy  |  FCB Inferno  |  Wilfred Wood


Invite the unexpected

Invite the unexpected