For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

Flatlands II

Flatlands II

A surreal series documenting a wonderful, warped view of the world.

Turkish photographer-come-artist Aydın Büyüktaş's latest image series sees a wonderful twist on reality as he masterfully captures surreal imagery of the American Southwest in Flatlands II. Fascinated by the area, Büyüktas studied the region on Google Maps before jumping on a plane, hiring a Jeep and setting his drones into the air to capture the shots needed to build such mind-bending shots.

With a mix of 3-D rendering and Photoshop, Büyüktas builds the symmetrical, pattern-filled landscapes over hours of editing to achieve these results. Great stuff.

GoodFromYou Aydın Büyüktaş


Chris DeLorenzo

Chris DeLorenzo

Santi Zoraidez

Santi Zoraidez