For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

Taylors of Harrogate identity

Taylors of Harrogate identity

An expressive new identity, full of flavour by Pearlfisher.

A brand known for it's devotion to the craft needs an identity that expresses the authenticity of the product. Step up Pearlfisher who looked to the role of artistry and craftsmanship in refreshing the new brand, alongside a refreshed 'window mark' made up of a joined T and H to signify peering into the space of revered expertise.

"...bringing this together with a focus on family, flavour and service, we defined a new creative vision – ‘The Home of Extraordinary Flavour’ – to take Taylors forward."

The creative focused on a unique, single ingredient from each of the global regions, and linking each to an emotion, memory or moment of note. The execution included commissioned artists from around the world to bring the extraordinary flavours to life through expressive brushstrokes and illustrated details. Great stuff.

GoodFromYou Pearlfisher


CATK – Impossible Foods

CATK – Impossible Foods

A new identity for Campus

A new identity for Campus