For the good of creativity.

Ideas, creative and design inspiration, curated with care by Steve & Charlie.

a novel idea for a novel

US artist Cory Arcangel has written a 'novel' based on selected tweets which include the phrase "working on my novel"...

Opening with the perhaps slightly misguided, "Now that I have a great domain name I can start writing on my novel", Arcangel's new book features another 127 tweets which each suggest that the particular would-be author is, yes, finally getting down and working on some text. Finally doing it. No distractions! Nope. Apart from Twitter.

Working On My Novel by Cory Arcangel is published by Particular Books on July 31 (£5.99). Arcangel's site is at

GoodFromYou Cory Arcangel

Inter milan get a facelift

Smart dummy

Smart dummy